Latest Displays

We currently have displays of Mike Bloxham's black and white photographs - 'Snowy Scenes' and 'Weddings'. Come along and put some names to faces!

Helping Year 1 with their topic 'Our Island - Your Island'

On Tuesday 14th of January volunteers from the Heritage Group took the children and their teacher on a guided tour around Harbury pointing out the key landmarks. The aim was to help them with their current curriculum topic 'Our Island - Your Island' where they are comparing two different countries and their culture. The tour was followed up by a short presentation in the Heritage Centre outlining the historical development of our village.

Year 1 teacher sent the following remarks, 'We had an absolutely wonderful day, and I can't thank you and the other Heritage Group volunteers enough for all your efforts. I've received several messages from parents saying their children came home excited to share lots of interesting facts about the building in Harbury and that they thoroughly enjoyed the day!'

Harbury Heritage Group

The Harbury Heritage Group has a vast collection of historical documents and photographs relating to the village and surrounding area. The Harbury Heritage Centre, as it is now called, is located within the Harbury School grounds. The school has kindly donated the building for us to use out of school hours, the teachers and children have the use of it the rest of the time. It has the capacity to hold talks and exhibitions, as well as providing a hub for the local community. Visitors of any age are welcome from near and far so do pay us a visit.

Open days are every first Tuesday in the month, 7 to 9 pm and every third Sunday 2 to 4 pm. Entrance is via the Park Lane school entrance.

Refurbishment of the Centre would not have been possible without the generosity of several local organisations, including Harbury Parish Council, Harbury WI, Harbury Society and the people of Harbury who kindly donated to an appeal for funds. A sizable community grant from Severn Trent has been used for IT equipment, furniture and signage. J. Murphy & Sons Limited also gave freely of their time and materials to hard landscape the front of the building. To all of these sponsors we are extremely grateful.

More info

Heritage Centre Information Booklet

Plan your visit to the Heritage Centre


Publications on sale at The Heritage Centre

We have an A3 Poster 'The Story of Harbury' £5

The book 'Life in Victorian Harbury' £6.50

The book ' Hungry Harbury' £5

available to buy on our open days or email us by using the form on the website. Happy to post for extra cost.

Village Treasure Hunt defies the weather!

We had a record 24 teams turn out to solve the clues on our village treasure hunt on Sunday 22nd of September. Amazingly the rain held off just long enough for the teams to complete the task of solving 20 clues around the village following the treasure map. The overall winner was the Bowell Family (pictured) who received the 'treasure chest' of goodies. Runners up were Rosemary Harley and Gill Cobb.

A BIG thank you to all the people who turned up to support the Heritage Centre.

Visit of Warmington Heritage Group

On Sunday 18th August we welcomed members from Warmington to the Heritage Centre. Many of them arrived during our open day 2-4pm and had a good look around our displays as well as exploring our documents and photographs etc. Afterwards we took them on a tour of the village which was followed by tea and cakes at the Centre. They haven't long formed as a group and we wish them well.

The photographs are courtesy of Stuart Martin, a member of the Warmington Heritage Group.

Visit of the Warwickshire Local History Society

On Saturday 20th July, members of the WLHS visited Harbury and enjoyed a guided tour of the village, finding out more about its history.

Afterwards they enjoyed afternoon tea in the Heritage Centre.

Monsters in Harbury!

On Monday the 1st of July the Reception Class from the primary school visited the Heritage Centre to watch a presentation about the two dinosaur skeletons discovered in Harbury Quarry in the 1920s. The skeletons of an 18 foot long Plesiosaurus and a 30 foot long Ichthyosaurus were carefully removed and taken to the Natural History Museum in London

The Presentation was entitled 'Monsters in Harbury!'

It was a very enjoyable morning, thank you all for coming.

Visit of Lighthorne History Group

On Sunday 9th June members of the Lighthorne History Group visited us for a guided tour of the village followed by a cream tea in the Centre.

What a lovely group of people!

Village Tour with members of the Long Itchington History Group

Members of the Long Itchington History Group joined us for a Village Tour on a glorious sunny evening in early May.

'Life in Victorian Harbury'

Our latest publication is now available to buy. A 108 page, illustrated book about living in the Warwickshire village of Harbury during the Victorian era.

All the details of how to buy a copy are included in the poster.

Available at Harbury Heritage Centre, Harbury Library or emailing us at


You can also leave a message on 01926 713389

We are happy to deliver locally at no extra cost.

Recent Presentations

The History of Harbury's Schools and Harbury Windmill - Past, Present and Future were the subjects of two recent presentations / talks given to 'Harbury Friends' and 'Harbury Society' both in the Tom Hauley Room.

Bill Timson, Chairman of the Heritage Group, was busy getting 'into character' to make the presentations more authentic.

These presentations are available to other local groups and societies.

Contact us if you are interested.

Come on a village trail

We offer groups the opportunity to come and find out more about Harbury and its history by taking small groups (maximum 20) on a ‘trail’ around the village.

Afterwards we treat our guests to refreshments whilst relaxing, viewing our displays and exploring our collection of photographs and documents, in The Heritage Centre.

Get in touch if you would like to book a visit. Weekends and evenings are the preferred times.
A small donation per person is requested to cover our costs.

The photograph shows a local history group enjoying their tea during a recent visit.

Awards and affiliations

July 2020: Awarded a Community Grant by Severn Trent to help with the refurbishment of the ‘New’ Heritage Centre.

March 2021: Awarded a ‘Great and Valuable Services to the Community Certificate’ by the High Sherriff of Warwickshire Mr. Joe Greenwell.

We are associate members of the 'BALH' (British Association for Local History') and 'THE FRIENDS AT WARWICKSHIRE COUNTY RECORDS OFFICE'

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